
Privacy Overview

We value your privacy and aim to be transparent about how we handle your data. This privacy policy outlines the reasons behind our data collection practices. It is an integral component of our terms of service, governing all data collected during app installation, app usage, or on our website. If you have any inquiries or concerns about our policies, please reach out to us at

Limited Liability

By utilizing our apps, you acknowledge that we are not responsible for any adverse consequences that may result from their use.

Data Collection & Privacy

This page serves to educate users about our policies regarding the gathering, utilization, and disclosure of Personal Information for those who opt to use our Service.

By opting to use our Service, you consent to the collection and utilization of information as outlined in this policy. At present, we do not gather any information about our users or the devices they employ. However, in the event that we do begin collecting information in the future, it will solely be utilized for the enhancement and provision of our services. Your information will not be utilized or disclosed to any third party except as explicitly detailed in this Privacy Policy.

Collection of Information

  • Log Information:Records details of App usage, device type, features utilized, access times, and IP address.
  • Device Information:Gathers data about the device, including manufacturer, model, OS, time zone, and language.
  • Device Identifiers:Collects online identifiers like IDFA, Google Ads ID, Google Device ID, Game Center ID, Google Play Account ID.
  • Usage Information:Captures data on game progress, scores, achievements, and interactions with other players.
  • Consumption Information: Logs details about in-game purchases, both virtual and real currency, and reception of virtual goods.

Understanding Personal Data

Personal data collected is used for service analysis, customer support, and service enhancement. We never share personal data with third parties unless mandated by law. Additionally, we may combine non-personal data with personal data but refrain from sharing personal data with unaffiliated third parties.

  • Social Networks: Information shared under social sharing features.
  • Third Parties: Personal data disclosed if required by law, regulation, legal process, or during negotiations involving mergers, asset sales, financing, or business acquisitions.
  • Authorities: Data may be disclosed to authorities if user actions are deemed inconsistent with policies or if disclosure is necessary to protect the rights, property, and safety of others.
  • Other Players: Shared with other players for certain in-app features like leaderboards, especially if users log in through third-party services.
  • Consent-based Sharing with Advertising Network Companies: Users' Device identifiers are shared with advertising network companies for serving behavioral advertisements within the App, subject to user consent.
  • Advertising Network Companies:
    • Google Adx/Admob:
  • Data Processors:
    • Firebase:
    • OneSignal:

The information which we collect

We gather only harmless personal data to enhance our service delivery to you.

Private Information

Through our apps, we ensure not to collect any personal information such as names, physical addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, or Social Security Numbers stored within your device.

User Data Policy for the Update Software Latest

To identify apps with pending updates, Update Software Latest retrieves the package names of all apps on the user's device and securely encrypts this data before storing it on our servers. We do not under any circumstances share this data with third parties. In compliance with evolving Google Policies, users will be prompted to accept this practice within the app. Access to Update Software Latest will be granted only after users provide their consent.


We strive to provide you with optimal services through our apps. To enhance their feature set, we collaborate with select third-party suppliers with whom we exchange data.

EULA Agreement

An End User License Agreement (EULA) outlines the terms and conditions under which a software application or product is licensed for use by an end user. It typically covers aspects such as the scope of the license, permitted uses, restrictions, disclaimers, and liabilities.

For Apple users, the EULA for software downloaded from the App Store can be found here: [Apple EULA](

It's important to carefully read and understand the terms of the EULA before using any software, as it governs your rights and responsibilities as a user.


Please ensure to periodically review this policy, as we will post any updates or changes to our privacy policy here. Following any modifications or updates to our privacy policy, we will endeavor to notify you through other channels as well. If you disagree with any alterations to our policies, you can promptly cease all services.

How to contact us

If you have any questions or comments regarding our privacy policy or practices, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at We're here to assist you.